All curriculum, textbooks, and resources are thoroughly reviewed to ensure appropriate material for all students. A Christian Worldview is taught throughout each subject area by our highly trained teaching staff.
Religion instruction begins in Kindergarten and continues through eighth grade Confirmation class.
Science is taught with a Christian Worldview.
English Grammar and Writing instruction by Curtis Hake begins in third grade and continues through eighth grade.
Saxon Math is used for kindergarten through seventh grade with eighth grade receiving instruction in Algebra.
Wonders reading is used for kindergarten through fifth grade, with multiple novel studies beginning in fourth grade.
Handwriting instruction begins in kindergarten and continues through fifth grade with cursive beginning in second grade.
Spanish instruction begins in first grade and continues through eighth grade with Spanish 1 instruction in seventh and eighth grade.
Students attend music twice a week and choir once a week.
Physical education occurs two to three times a week, depending on the grade level.
Immanuel offers 1-1 chromebooks for student usage and technology instruction.
Art education begins in kindergarten and continues through eighth grade.
Band student share their talents in chapel.
Students are able to receive ashes from local Pastors on Ash Wednesday.
Second Grade made care packages for our elderly community members.
Fourth and Fifth grade students packed Mercy Meals for those in needs overseas.
Immanuel students recreated the Nativity for the Downtown Columbus Holiday Parade.
Students receive local awards for their service and leadership.